Myths About Mobile Communication: Separating Fact from Fiction

The rapid advancement of mobile communication technology has brought with it a lot of misinformation and myths. From claims about the dangers of 5G to the belief that 4G is no longer relevant, it can be difficult to separate fact from fiction. In this blog, we will look at some of the most common myths about mobile communication and correct them.

Myth 1: 5G is Dangerous to Human Health

One of the most persistent myths about 5G technology is that it is dangerous to human health. Some people believe that the higher frequency of 5G will cause harmful health effects, including cancer and other illnesses.

However, this is not true. Most of the 5G bandwidth operates within the same frequency range as previous generations of wireless technology, and the exposure levels are expected to be low, well within international guidelines. The newly introduce frequency range 2 which is also known as the millimeter wave (24Ghz~60Ghz roughly) is even weaker than the previous frequency that can only cover a few hundred meters to provide high throughput. The World Health Organization (WHO) and other international health agencies have stated that there is currently no scientific evidence to support the idea that 5G is harmful to human health.

Myth 2: 4G is no longer Relevant

Another myth is that 4G technology is no longer relevant and will soon be obsolete. This is not the case. While 5G technology is the latest and greatest, 4G will continue to be an important part of our mobile communication infrastructure for many years to come. Though 5G technology is much more complex than 4G, it shares a lot of features that are based upon 4G technology. 4G networks will continue to be improved and upgraded, and many people will still use 4G-enabled devices for years to come.

Myth 3: 5G will Replace Wi-Fi

Some people believe that 5G will eventually replace Wi-Fi, making it obsolete. However, this is not the case. While 5G technology will bring faster speeds and lower latency, Wi-Fi will still play an important role in providing internet access within homes and other buildings. Wi-Fi is an established technology that is widely used, and it will continue to be a critical component of our internet infrastructure for years to come furthermore 5G and later technologies are going to utilize the wifi frequency range even more now to improve the overall telecommunication for a vast range of smart devices such IoT.

In conclusion, there are many myths and misconceptions about mobile communication, including 5G and 4G. It's important to separate fact from fiction and base our opinions on the latest scientific research and information from reliable sources. By doing so, we can make informed decisions about our technology use and ensure that we are using it in a safe and responsible manner.


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